Untitled Header Image Congratulations 2023 Graduates


  1. Each family receives membership within Homeschool Louisiana , our state umbrella organization for Christian homeschooling groups.
  2. Interactive Website with online activities calender displaying current group and community activities that emails a weekly reminder of events, a membership directory, forums and classified sections.
  3. Attendance at the annual Homeschool Louisiana convention in April.
  4. Membership in HSLDA is available at a discount. Please contact [email protected] for the CCHSA Member Discount Number.
  5. Field Trips, Moms Meetings, Family Events, and Co-Op Classes are available to member families to promote fellowship and encouragement, spiritually, educationally, and socially, for the parents and the children.
  6. Full Membership entitles families to have one vote in Annual Business Meetings for budget approval, Board of Directors elections, and other items of interest, and also allows families to take advantage of all regular benefits of membership.
  7. Associate Membership entitles families to take advantage of all regular benefits of membership, with the exception of voting rights or service on the Board of Directors. 
  8. CCHSA Website provides families information through both public-access and members-only sections, supporting local homeschooling with what is available.

Regular Membership Events held by CCHSA may include the following: a Summer Back-to-School Kickoff, a fall Pumpkin Patch field trip, a winter Christmas Tree Farm field trip, a winter Junior/Senior Banquet, a spring Field Day and Annual Business Meeting, Senior Graduation, and monthly Moms Meetings. We also plan events intermittently that would benefit our families as a whole, like skating, hayrides, contests, and intermittent classes. Most of these events are hosted by CCHSA or its members, dates are coordinated by the Activities Coordinator, and they are open to our membership. One exception is that the annual Kickoff (for renewing members and new families) is open to the public and is an encouragement tool for all area homeschoolers.